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IB Trader Workstation - System Requirements

PC Requirements MAC Requirements LINUX/UNIX Requirements
Minimum Recommended Minimum Recommended Minimum Recommended
Operating System Windows 10 Windows 11 Mac OS 11 Mac OS (Latest) Kernel 3.10 Kernal (Latest)
Screen Resolution 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K
Processor Intel i5 Intel i7+ M1 / Intel i5 M4 / Intel i7+ Intel i5 Intel i7+

Memory (RAM)

4GB 16GB 4GB 16GB 4GB 16GB

Broadband connection is the minimum connection we require to avoid connectivity issues for all users.

All browsers should be using the latest update to ensure proper functionality between the platform and Client Portal.

Advanced users who manage large portfolios of more than 500 stock or 100 options positions or who use more than 15 chart windows simultaneously may need to manually increase the amount of memory allotted to TWS(at least 2GB). For instructions, see the Memory Size topic in the TWS Users' Guide.