Stock/ETF Benchmarker

Stock/ETF Benchmarker

Real-time performance attribution analysis has never been easier.

Performance attribution analysis determines how your portfolio is performing relative to a specific benchmark, and highlights areas of your portfolio that may be over- or under-performing. Our Stock/ETF Benchmarker tool displays and updates your portfolio performance attribution values in real time throughout the day.

Use the Stock/ETF Benchmarker to measure your portfolio against a benchmark index for the current day and see the contribution and weighting of individual equity positions.

The Stock/ETF Benchmarker offers these benefits:
  • Select a benchmark index and see your portfolio's performance versus the benchmark, the top contributors to your portfolio, contributions by sector and performance details sorted by sector, and the weight and active contribution.
  • View contributions to your overall portfolio by security or by sector, including the top five and bottom five equity components by contribution and the highest to lowest sectors by contribution.
  • View additional performance details, including the difference between the contribution to your portfolio return and the contribution to the benchmark return for a specific security or category, and the weight of each security or category contribution to the portfolio.

Learn About The Stock/ETF Benchmarker