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Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs


Unlock Unlimited Revenue Potential

Interactive Brokers’ Influencer Program

Boost your platform’s earning potential with Interactive Brokers’ Influencer Program, designed for Influencers focused on finance, trading, and investing. With a growing monthly spend of $2 million, the program is an opportunity to align with a leader in online trading and increase your revenue.

The IBKR Influencer Program is a global initiative that links influencers and their audiences with the sophisticated trading and investment solutions offered by IBKR. Influencers control how often they want to promote IBKR, and you get paid each time a follower clicks on the unique link we provide for each of your social media profiles. Also, influencers can increase their earnings per click (CPC rate) based on positive results from your promotional activities.

Key Benefits of Working with Interactive Brokers

Unlimited Earning Potential

Unlimited Earning Potential

Our program is based on results, and there is no limit to what influencers can earn.*

Performance Rate Adjustment

Performance Rate Adjustment

We evaluate your monthly performance and adjust the CPC rate accordingly.

Expertise-Driven Optimization

Expertise-Driven Optimization

Based on our years of experience, we will help optimize your results to grow the revenue.

Program Highlights

  • Quick Start: Launch with a mutually agreed test campaign with a flexible period from 30 to 90 days.
  • Primary Goal: Our key metric is generating Open & Funded Accounts.
  • Fair Evaluation: Performance is assessed through a comprehensive Benchmark system.
  • Performance-based Pricing: Enhance your revenue growth further with accelerated rate increases for positive performance.
  • Content Support: Receive regular content updates from IBKR to ensure content accuracy and relevancy, which is an SEO best practice for publishers.
  • Prompt Payments: Monthly invoicing with a 30-day net payment term ensures timely revenue.
  • Auto-renew: Save quarterly paperwork and ad closing pressure – your successful campaign may auto-renew up to 3 quarters.

Join Interactive Brokers’ Influencer Program and start earning more today!

Contact to get started.


Interactive Brokers LLC - member NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. *Interactive Brokers’ Influencer Program participant compensation is subject to initial Cost Per Click (“CPC”) rates and maximum Monthly Revenue Payments (“MRP”) that are determined at the on-set of the relationship and adjusted periodically on a case-by-case basis. CPC and MRP rate adjustments are based on Influencer performance and there is no limit on how many times each may be increased, or the maximum compensation that may be earned. Please contact for complete details. Influencers that are legal residents of the following countries and or territories are ineligible for the Interactive Brokers’ Influencers Program: China, Korea, Japan, Israel, Chile, Portugal or Spain.

Interactive Brokers’ CPC Publisher Program

Boost your platform’s earning potential with Interactive Brokers’ CPC Publisher Program, designed for publishers focused on finance and broker reviews. With a growing monthly spend of $2 million, the program is an opportunity to align with a leader in online trading and increase your revenue.

Key Benefits of Working with Interactive Brokers

Unlimited Earning Potential

Unlimited Earning Potential

Our program is based on results, and there is no limit to what publishers can earn.*

Performance Rate Adjustment

Performance Rate Adjustment

We evaluate placement performance monthly and adjust the rate accordingly.

Expertise-Driven Optimization

Expertise-Driven Optimization

Based on our years of experience, we will help optimize your results to grow the revenue.

Program Highlights

  • Quick Start: Launch with a mutually agreed test campaign with a flexible period from 30 to 90 days.
  • Primary Goal: Our key metric is generating Open & Funded Accounts.
  • Fair Evaluation: Performance is assessed through a comprehensive Benchmark system.
  • Performance-based Pricing: Enhance your revenue growth further with accelerated rate increases for positive performance.
  • Content Support: Receive regular content updates from IBKR to ensure content accuracy and relevancy, which is an SEO best practice for publishers.
  • Prompt Payments: Monthly invoicing with a 30-day net payment term ensures timely revenue.
  • Auto-renew: Save quarterly paperwork and ad closing pressure – your successful campaign may auto-renew up to 3 quarters.

Join Interactive Brokers’ CPC Publisher Program and start earning more today!

Contact to get started.


Interactive Brokers LLC - member NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. *Interactive Brokers’ CPC Publisher Program participant compensation is subject to initial Cost Per Click (“CPC”) rates and maximum Monthly Revenue Payments (“MRP”) that are determined at the on-set of the relationship and adjusted periodically on a case-by-case basis. CPC and MRP rate adjustments are based on publisher performance and there is no limit on how many times each may be increased, or the maximum compensation that may be earned. Please contact for complete details. Publishers based in the following countries and or territories are ineligible for the Interactive Brokers’ CPC Publisher Program: China, Korea, Japan, Israel, Chile, Portugal or Spain.